Web Browser Support

This private Whitsunday Terraces web site for Body Corporate Lot owners is written to strictly conform to the most recent World Wide Web Consortium recommendations on how to write web pages in XHTML. Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web and the first web browser, is an active director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). I figure W3C should know what they are talking about.

This means this site can not be viewed in Internet Explorer, prior to IE9. This is a deliberate decision on my part to restrict how many people view this site. It is basically intended for owners of Lots at the Whitsunday Terraces. It is not a tourist site (although intending tourists may enjoy some of the photos of Airlie Beach).

Microsoft are now automatically updating obsolete version of their web browser to the latest IE9. This upgrade can not be done to Windows XP and earlier. If using XP, I suggest changing to a different web browser.

The Whitsunday Terraces Resort accommodation bookings site will work with Internet Explorer. Click the link to reach the resort booking site.

Booking Accommodation at Whitsunday Terraces

This web site is intended for Body Corporate owners of apartments in Whitsunday Terraces, not for potential guests. Make room bookings for accommodation at Whitsunday Terraces Resort, Airlie Beach, overlooking the Coral Sea, at the Resort Manager's web site.

Best Viewed in Any Browser?

Not really. Best viewed by downloading a modern web browser. I recommend Apple's Safari or Google's Chrome. Other browsers that work well are Opera or Firefox, or any standards compliant browser. That is basically every web browser, except one.

Internet Explorer prior to IE9 does not work at all. This is due to a Microsoft decision not to support correctly served XHTML. I am taking advantage of this Microsoft bug to reduce the number of people who can easily view this web site. IE9 and more recent work fine.