Top Swimming Pool at Whitsunday Terraces

One of two pools, the top swimming pool at Whitsunday Terraces is located between Endeavour and Florin Terraces, at the base of the building. The main swimming pool is at Whitsunday Terraces Reception, by the bar.

There is also a barbecue area two levels higher, mostly out of the weather, underneath Florin Terrace.

Booking Accommodation at Whitsunday Terraces

This web site is intended for Body Corporate owners of apartments in Whitsunday Terraces, not for potential guests. Make room bookings for accommodation at Whitsunday Terraces Resort, Airlie Beach, overlooking the Coral Sea, at the Resort Manager's web site.

Original Pool

The original swimming pool was somewhat larger, and was installed while the Whitsunday Terraces was being built. This allowed ground access for constructing the pool. However the pool needed extensive renovation by 2003. This was a busy time for the Resort Managers, with a lot of major projects to organise and supervise, including painting the entire Whitsunday Terraces resort.

Alas, during the renovation attempt, the shell of the existing pool proved fragile. After the shell collapsed, the only feasible replacement was a complete new pool in the old hole.

The pool was swung in over the top of the building using a portable crane.

Missing image top pool hole

Shed Below Pool

Missing image shed below poolAbandoned shed below pool

At the time, a large abandoned shed was in place on the land below the pool. This land is not owned by the Whitsunday Terraces, and like the Terraces, is rather steep. Resort Managers and the Body Corporate committee of the time, aided by Lot owners, were eventually able to persuade the owners to demolish and remove the shed. So the view from the top pool now lacks the shed you can see in some of these photos from October 2003.

Missing image shed below pool demolishedAbandoned shed demolished and removed

Crane Arrives

Missing image top pool crane arrives

The only way to get a complete pool shell into the Whitsunday Terraces was from Golden Orchid Drive, as there is no access from below. However there are buildings in the way. So a crane would need to lift the pool over the buildings. The largest mobile crane available in Airlie Beach had to ease its way into the closest car park, at Endeavour Terrace.

Missing image top pool crane in Terraces car park

Pool in Golden Orchid Drive

Missing image top pool in sling

Golden Orchid Drive is a narrow, steep, one way street each way up and down the hill. A pool transporter truck takes a lot of the available street width.

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Pool Aloft Over Whitsunday Terraces

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The pool selected was the largest pool shell that the largest available crane could handle at such a long distance. The pool had to be lifted above a six floor building (only two floors above the crane location in the parking lot). Then it had to extend way out to the side.

Missing image top pool aloft 3

Pool Descending Below Apartments

Missing image top pool descending

The pool had to be lowered six floors from its highest point. Naturally the view of the pool as it descended below apartment balconies was rather unsettling.

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Pool Surround

Missing image top pool settling

The pool was settled into the existing hole, which was backfilled and made secure. Then it was time to replace the existing brick pavement with exposed aggregate concrete.

Missing image top pool concreting